Friday, 22 February 2013

An Innocent SiGHt

An innocent sight in my mind

i have knotted you in my heart
i walk behind you and love to watch you walk
i dream of you when I close my eyes and every moment
i feel your presence every time and everywhere
i completely freeze when you walk by my side
i walk with you, feel close to you and feel the breeze
i smile when you around
i am happy when our eyes meet coincidentally
i wonder when I see you smile, why your smiles are occasional ?
i can feel my heart beats when I think of you
i wish you could sense my silence feelings

i dEsIrE tO ExPrEsS yOu My eMoTiOnS!!!!!!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

BUT Statements

Girl to boy “ I Love you but as a friend “
Boss to his employee “You can take leave but keep you mobile switched on”
Father to daughter “You can come late but before 10 PM”
Mother to daughter” Go shopping buy new clothes but no short dresses”
Father to daughter “You can go out but not with boys”
Wife to husband “Drink but not more than one bottle”
Father to Son “You can buy mobile but only incoming calls”
Parents to Daughter “Permission granted to go to picnic but mingle only with girls”
Husband to Wife “Yummy food but my mom is the best cook”
Friends to their friends “Will go out for dinner but it will bill split”
MIL to DIL “ Pant suits  but saree is always graceful”
Sales Posters “Sale upt0 50% but only on selecting stocks”